Our Name Wasn't Written (Memoir-War)

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Our Name Wasn’t Written — A Malta Memoir 1936 - 1943

by Caroline Vernon, with Dorothy Vernon and Michael Vernon

edited by David Vernon, 162pp, paperback

Stringybark Publishing ISBN: 9780987092212

$21.95  $16.45 includes postage within Australia.  

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Often I had to go through bad raids to get to the office, but I was rarely late.  I used to turn the electric radiator on its back, boil the kettle and make a pot of tea.  The worse the raid the stronger the tea.  One day even the Chief complained that the tea was so strong that his teaspoon stood up in the cup. 

Our Name Wasn’t Written is the memoir of a young mother struggling to feed, clothe and house her family on the “most bombed place on earth” — Malta during the Second World War.  But not only did Caroline Vernon struggle to feed her family, but every day, regardless of the air raids, she reported to work at Fort St Angelo where she managed the cypher books for the Royal Navy.

Containing first hand accounts, and many photos from the time, Our Name Wasn’t Written, takes the reader back to a period when food was scarce, death came daily from the sky and the rank of your husband was far more important than your skill at your job.

© Michael Vernon 2014, Stringybark Intergalactic